Throttle Drill
•The Throttle Drill allows a shooter to work on the fundamentals under time. + Setup - 2 magazines [ 1 Magazine with 5 Rounds – In Gun | 1 Magazine with 5 Rounds – In Mag Pouch] + Drill - Load Magazine 1 with 5 Rounds – Engage each circle based on number listed. Example: 1 = 1 Round | 2 = 2 Rounds | 3 = Rounds | 4 = 4 Rounds + Reload when the gun goes “DRY” + There is no time standard. Any round outside of the circles results in failure.
Trigger Manipulation
•The Trigger Manipulation Drill allows a shooter to manipulate the trigger in 3 phases. + 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, etc. – Should be shot in a 1 second cadence [Think Precisely] + 1 AND, 2 AND, etc. – Should be shot in a .5 second cadence [Think Carefully] + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – Should be shot in a .25 second cadence [Think Quickly]
Red Dot "Zero"
The Red Dot Zero process is a process that many have issues or trouble achieving. The goal is to engage the targe with accurate "hits" with a tight grouping. Use the Left Square [Blank 1 inch square in center] to begin the zero process. Use the Right Square [Blank 1 inch square in center] to confirm zero.
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