We have arrived at the end of another year, and just like last year, there is an opportunity to share the good, the bad, and the opportunities of RYG Tactical.
During the year 2024, we have seen many wins and some loss... well opportunities.
Trained over 300 students across 4 states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas).
Obtained a credible certification through Rangemaster (Tom Givens)
Begun Phase 1 of new Range Layout (Mississippi)
Relaunched Magnolia Total Defense (with Marlon Huddleston - Integricorp LLC)
Received approval from state to provide LE Continued Education Credit Hours
Preparing to close out 2024 in the BLACK
Updated the website to offer a better customer experience
Better Booking Experience
Continue to do better and rise over the challenges.
When it comes to myself and how I run the company, I only want to offer the best product that I can. I do not try to duplicate what someone else is doing because what is for me... is for me.
In the upcoming year, we have so many great things taking place.
We are preparing to launch 3 new programs (Magnolia Total Defense - Marlon Huddleston, Integricorp LLC and Jaron Smith, RYG Tactical) - The following programs are recognized by the state of MS to provide Law Enforcement Credit Hours in the state of MS.
New Pistol Programs - View Calendar to Learn of Class Dates [Skill Level ranges from Intermediate to Advanced] - Note: These courses are not "Basic" courses. There is an expectation for students to have a baseline understanding and application of safety, fundamentals, and proficiency,
"Try Before Your Buy" - Terry MS
Phase 2 of Range Development
Traveling Assignments
... and much more
I am so excited to express my deepest gratitude for those of you who have been with us since the beginning. I am humble and thankful for you all.
Lastly, get ready for RYG Tactical to continue to provide well developed and structured programs for Civilians, Law Enforcement, and MIL Personnel.